It’s always nice to see a horse licking, chewing, yawning, even sleeping during a session. These are good signs that a horse is relaxed … although a horse won’t sleep through my sessions … I am working WITH the horse and need to read what they are saying. It’s a conversation.
I was recently asked what a good session means to me? What am I looking for? What do I consider a good session?
✨ Signs of relaxation and release (licking, chewing, yawning, sneezing …
✨ Soft eyes, nose and ears
✨ Lower energy than when we began (feet and head stop moving)
✨ They are responsive to what I am doing - they are not bracing or blocking me out
✨ They feel comfortable saying no
✨ They are becoming more soft and supple - their muscles are releasing and you can see improvements (wider chest, thicker neck, open poll, lifted back, more comfortable stance)
✨ More smoothness to their muscles
✨ Improvement in techniques - if I ask for a scapular release, can they go just a bit further than when I first asked
We’re not always going to get that in one session … #GOALS